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Aggregate 144 Market Volume

In December 2024, the total reported value of Form 144s fell nearly 50% from November’s exceptional high. This decline in reported value was accompanied by a 26% decrease in shares registered, as well as a 32% drop in the number of filings.

Filing activity last month remained relatively flat when compared to December 2023. This breaks the trend seen in the 144 market since April 2024, where 2024's monthly values have been dwarfing those of 2023. Although the total number of shares registered for sale jumped 18% year-over-year, this only translated to a 5% increase in total value. While the value of Form 144s under a 10b5-1 plan slid 35% year-over-year, this was offset by a 63% increase in discretionary value.

[View Full Market Report Here]


Top 5 Brokers for December 2024

This December, Morgan Stanley claimed first place across the board in all three categories. Goldman Sachs followed close behind, taking second place for value brokered, due in part to their role in brokering last month’s largest filing. JP Morgan and Bank of America secured third and fourth place, respectively. Bank of America also placed second for number of shares brokered. Charles Schwab rounded out December's top 5 brokers.

Top Filers for December 2024

Filer Company Broker Value(M) Shares(M)
Walton Family Holdings Trust Walmart - [WMT] Goldman Sachs $1,120.8 12.00
Shyam Sankar Palantir Technologies - [PLTR] UBS AG $367.9 5.25*
Mark Zuckerberg Meta Platforms - [META] Charles Schwab $358.6 0.58*

*Pursuant to Rule 10b5-1

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