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D&O Insider Trading Audit Reports


The process of underwriting directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance wouldn’t be complete without fully analyzing a company’s patterns of insider trading. As suspicious insider trading patterns represent a serious litigation risk, skilled underwriters know to pay attention to insider trading when writing D&O insurance policies.

The Washington Service leverages high-quality insider trading data to make it easy for professional liability insurance underwriters to properly incorporate insider trading into their work flow. D&O Insider Trading Audit Reports is an online application designed to allow underwriters to easily and accurately assess risk related to directors’ and officers’ stock trades at their respective companies.

D&O Insider Selling (EFX)
Discretionary v. Planned (Rule 10b5-1) Sales (EFX)
D&O Company Roster (EFX)

Key Features

Get a comprehensive view of insider trading at the company and individual levels, and discover patterns of insider activity. See insiders' use of Rule 10b5-1 trading plans and visually identify transactions made during "risky periods" (prior to earnings and before large price movements).

Easily access reports for U.S. public companies or get detailed summaries about individuals' transaction histories. Save, print, or email reports with one click. Quickly access reports for related companies to compare behaviors.

Accessible from any web browser, and is user-friendly with little to no learning curve. Jump in quickly with intuitive navigation and clear table structures.

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